Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sick days, the pro video and O Canada

So for the last couple days I’ve been sick, and it really messed up my plans for this week. I missed the opportunity that I had mentioned before, to film and edit a professional video. The guy came in to film on Tuesday, but I was feeling so sick that there was no way I could come to school. In the end, some friends in my class filled in for me and made the video. Even though I couldn’t be a part of it, I was happy that at least someone got the chance to work it and had that experience. I still wish that I could have been there but I’m sure some other opportunity will arise for me in the future.

On Wednesday I decided to go to school, even though I wasn’t feeling much better. I didn’t want to fall too far behind in school, but what I really needed to go for was to film the O Canada video that I spoke about in a previous blog. My friend was counting on me to film this after school for him, so I didn’t want to let him down. However as the day progressed I began to feel more and more sick. I tried to find a replacement to film but no one was available.

Even though I was sick, filming O Canada was pretty great. As I said in my previous blog, I was really excited to help create this homage to one of my favourite Smosh videos. I was only there for the filming of the playground scenes (see original video), so needless to say I haven’t seen the other shots. I’m not exactly sure how the director intends for the final product to look, but I can’t wait to see it on this week’s DYTV.

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