Sunday, November 15, 2009

For future episodes

Even though we won’t be doing an episode for a while, I just wanted to list some of the things that I am hoping for next time. One thing that I would like to change is the jobs. I know some people got different jobs than our first episode, but I didn’t. I had to do Upcoming Events both times. I want to be able to try different segments so I can get more experience. I also want to be a little bit more organized, as I was saying in my previous blog, people were taking too long to finish their segments (including me), and that led to us being behind schedule. On Thursday after school we were supposed to have a rehearsal but not many people showed up, that’s another thing that definitely has to change, we were lucky that the show turned out so well this week, but as we’ve seen in the past, it’s not always like that. We need to have proper rehearsals so that we can produce the best possible outcome.

I think these problems come from the fact that we have such a small class, which leads me to another thing I would like to change. The last 2 episodes were literally put together by 8 people. This is the reason why it took more time to make and why we were behind schedule. Even though we had a really good episode on Friday, I can only imagine how much better the episode could have been if we had a larger crew. I think we should be working with the other classes for the episodes instead of dividing us into different ones. I think that if we all work together we can get a higher quality program in less time.

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