Sunday, November 15, 2009

O Canada Video

Today I found out that I actually am going to help out with the next episode of DYTV. One of my friends is in the 1-credit class, and he is in charge of making a video for O Canada! He decided that he’s going to have his band play the song, and he needs someone to film it, so he asked me. The way he wants to make the video is pretty cool.

In my 12th blog, I mention “Smosh” a group on YouTube that my friends and I are big fans of. About a year ago, they created a video called “Sex Ed. Rocks”; they teamed up with the rock band I Set My Friends On Fire, to make a screamo/comedic song about sexual education. In the actual video they are performing in a playground and playing on fake guitars. My friend really likes this video and wants to copy their idea. So he’s going to get myself and probably another person to help them model their performance after the Smosh video.

I’m really excited to help make this video; Sex Ed. Rocks is one of my favourite Smosh sketches. I think this video will take a lot of work but I’m willing to take the time. Smosh is a pretty popular group so I think that a lot of people will get the reference and it’ll be a really good video.

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