Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rhetorical Devices found in Ads

This is an ad for Adidas shoes. In the picture we see an athlete running a track, far behind him is his shadow that is chasing after him. The point of the ad is to show that, with the shoes, he is able to run so fast that his shadow cannot keep up with him. This is an example of a hyperbole, because the ad is an obvious over exaggeration, as no one is able to run away from their shadow.

This is an anti-smoking ad. The ad show a picture of someone holding a cigarette in their hand and in their shadow, that same hand is holding a gun. This is to show that cigarettes are weapons and will kill you. For this reason, it is obvious that this is an example of a metaphor because they are comparing cigarettes to guns.

The purpose of this ad is to raise awareness about global warming. The ad compares the earth to an ice cream. This is shown through an ice cream cone which is holding the ice cream-like earth. Just like ice cream, it is melting away. Therefore this is an example of a metaphor because it is showing us how the earth is like ice cream.

The purpose of this ad is once again to raise awareness about global warming. The image shows a seal, lying on a bench with a newspaper over its body, which a caption saying, “Animals around the world are losing their habitats due to climate change. By turning off your TV, stereo and computer when not using them, you can help prevent this. Take action right now.” The ad uses two rhetorical devices one, being a simile, which compares seals to homeless people, as now, seals are becoming homeless too. The other device used is irony; this is because it depicts an image that we would not expect to see. A seal is found in the arctic so, when it is shown in the city, it grabs your attention and s therefore an effective ad.

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