Thursday, October 15, 2009

Camera Show

Yesterday I received an amazing surprise from an unlikely source. It started out as any regular day; I was at home doing my English homework, when the door bell rang. I went to answer the door and saw it was my older brother’s friend, Mike. I told him my brother wasn’t home but he informed me that he was only here to drop something off. I asked him what he needed to drop off and he responded by handing me two tickets for a camera show this weekend. He too shares a passion for film and photography and was planning to attend this event but unfortunately he was going to be out of town, so he decided to give them away; he remembered that I was really interested in this field and suggested that I should go with my brother.
He told me it was a great experience and that he has gone to these types of shows in the past and has learned a lot. “It’s great” he said, “They’ve got all these different shows on different topics, if you’re free, you should check it out”. I looked at him and smiled and said “definitely”. I thanked him and closed the door, walking back into my house I read the flier that came with the tickets. Reading it, I saw that the show’ called “The Photographic, Video & Digital Imaging Show”, was organized by Henry’s, a camera store that’s all-across Canada, and from what I’ve heard it’s the best place to buy your camera and accessories.
My brother was planning to go with me but unfortunately he is unable to make it. So my dad suggested that I go with a friend to the show. This was a perfect idea because I knew someone who loved photography even more than me! I asked her to come yesterday and she was excited as ever, we both are. This is will be first show we’ve ever been too and we’ve got really high hopes. We are planning to spend the entire day there so that we can learn as much as possible. I cannot wait for Saturday!

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