Saturday, October 31, 2009

Important things to understand before shooting a video

When making a video it is important to have an understanding of certain concepts, to ensure that you will have a successful video. One thing that is very important is planning out your video thoroughly; you need to make sure that you have a plan so that you don’t miss anything. I think you should always write down a plan. After the filming of one of my videos, as I was reviewing the footage, I realized that I needed to shoot more scenes, if I had planned the video more efficiently, I would have realized, these problems before I finished filming.

Another important thing to look out for while filming is “continuity”. This means that you must make sure that in each scene of video is coherent. That is to say, that each scene must make sense, for example if a character in one scene is wearing a necklace, they should be wearing it for all other scenes unless they are shown taking it off.

It would be very boring and unappealing if a video was all shown from the same distance. For a successful video, it is important to have different shots cut together so that you can portray it in a more meaningful way. Therefore it’s crucial to understand the different types of shots when filming:

Wide Shot: the subject takes up the full frame (example: showing a person, head to toe).
Close Up: very close to subject (example: a person’s head and neck)
Medium Shot: In between the close up and wide shot, subject is at a medium distance (example: a person’s knee and up, or a person’s waist and up).
Bust Shot: showing from the shoulders and up.
Extreme Wide Shot: the entire subject is in the frame but is not the main focus; instead, it focuses on the environment around the subject.
Extreme Close Up: may include only part of a person’s face (used to show emotion).

Each of these factors will ensure that you will create a successful video.

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