Sunday, October 18, 2009

Camera Show 2

This morning I went to the Photography show I was talking about in my last blog. Unfortunately, my friend who was supposed to go with me cancelled last minute, so I ended up going with my dad. He actually had plans to go to my brother’s game in the afternoon so we didn’t actually have much time at the show. I arrived at around 11 o’clock and feasted my eyes upon the huge convention hall where the show was being held. Looking all around, I saw various different booths… it was just amazing.
I walked around the entire place checking out the different booths and looking at different cameras. They had a lot of different companies selling their camera products. I got to watch a couple seminars on different things and learned a lot. One thing that was really memorable is when I saw a station where people can try cameras out, I saw this one camera with a lens that was at least one foot long! I looked through the viewfinder, and was able to see across the hall, it was awesome!
I was also happy to see that Humber University and Georgian College were at the convention. I had an opportunity to talk to the representatives from both schools and find out a bit more about each place. At the Georgian booth, I was able to talk to a student at the school and see some of his, as well as other students’ photography. For a long time I’ve been interested in getting a post-secondary education in photography or film so I’m really happy I got the chance to talk to these people because now I know a bit more about what I need to do to achieve success in this field.

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