Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gr. 10 Comm Tech

Taking Comm. Tech in grade 10 was a really great experience. Over the course of a few months I learned a lot. Throughout most of the course we focused on using the computer for different things such as web design and how to edit photos in Photoshop, and while I really enjoyed it, I was most excited for the last unit, which was video. We learned how to use the video cameras and editing software that we were to use in our upcoming assignment. The assignment allowed for us to write, film and edit our own PSA commercials. Each person had the responsibility of producing two videos, one, as a group with two other people, and the other, independently.

It was amazing to actually participate in the creation of a video, I never really realized how much work it is. Our first group video took very long to film; because we were new at this, we often made mistakes and had to reshoot everything! The funny thing is that we spent so much time filming only to have to cut all the footage down to thirty seconds! It was really time consuming, but in the end it was worth it, our teacher liked our video so much that we got 100%. This really gave me a lot of confidence in comm. tech, and helped me to see how much I enjoy filming and editing.

I wasn’t as happy with my second video that I made independently. The actors in my video were always fooling around and no one was really listening to me while I was trying to film. It took me a long time to film as a result, and because the deadline approached, I wasn’t able to reshoot the scenes I found errors with. I really think that it ruined the potential that my video had. In a lot of my shots there was poor lighting and in one (because I had to reshoot) there was a lack of “continuity” (explained in previous blog). I knew that I could do better and was determined to show it the next time I had an opportunity to create a video.

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