Saturday, October 31, 2009

My own videos

Whenever I hang out with my friends it seems like something funny always happens as we are always doing different things and joking around with each other. We are constantly saying that we need a camera to record it all. We didn’t even want it so that we could show other people, just for us so that we could always remember the funny things that we did. The only problem is that none of us had a camera of our own that we could bring with us on our so-called “adventures”. One of my friends started bringing a voice recorder with him wherever we went so at least we could hear the conversation. This is when we realized how amazing it would be if we had a camera. Our wishes finally came true last month when one of my friends got their own video camera. Since then we have started filming ourselves whenever we’re all together and I plan to edit the footage afterward.

For a long time my friends and I have enjoyed watching comedic skits on the internet such as the videos from “Smosh”. This comedy duo, which started making videos around the age of 15, has become a sensation on the internet through YouTube. We always considered making videos ourselves, thinking that we could make funny videos just like them. We decided to start writing short skits that we could film in addition to our adventures. So far we have only made 2, but we are continuing to write and plan, so that we will be able to make more in the future.

2-Credit Comm. Tech?

In March, I had to pick my courses for grade 11. This year I had 5 electives, and had to choose my courses wisely because I needed to take courses depending on what I want to do after high school. I always considered film production or photography an option, and having the opportunity to take comm. tech and photography as electives sounded too good to be true. However I wasn’t sure if that is what I want to do after high school for sure, nevertheless I still selected comm. tech and photography as 2 courses. I needed to take 1 social studies course to complete one of the compulsorily standards to graduate, so I selected World History. I also knew that it was important to take sciences so that I could at least keep my options open, so I selected physics and chemistry.

As I mentioned before, there is a special 2 credit course for comm. tech that students who took it grade 10 get recommended for. In April, I found out that I had been recommended for the course, I was simply ecstatic! I was especially excited because most of my close friends that took the course had been recommended too, next year I was going to have a class with so many close friends!

However my bubble soon burst, when I found out that the teacher of the 2 credit course had decided to change the course to a class of only 8. He asked us all to write a letter about why we want to be in the class. I wrote my letter, in the hopes that I would be accepted yet I began think about what would course I would drop so that I could take Comm. Tech both semesters and if taking this course was the best thing to do. We were not to find out who had been accepted into the course until September, and so this thought followed me all through the summer.

Gr. 10 Comm Tech

Taking Comm. Tech in grade 10 was a really great experience. Over the course of a few months I learned a lot. Throughout most of the course we focused on using the computer for different things such as web design and how to edit photos in Photoshop, and while I really enjoyed it, I was most excited for the last unit, which was video. We learned how to use the video cameras and editing software that we were to use in our upcoming assignment. The assignment allowed for us to write, film and edit our own PSA commercials. Each person had the responsibility of producing two videos, one, as a group with two other people, and the other, independently.

It was amazing to actually participate in the creation of a video, I never really realized how much work it is. Our first group video took very long to film; because we were new at this, we often made mistakes and had to reshoot everything! The funny thing is that we spent so much time filming only to have to cut all the footage down to thirty seconds! It was really time consuming, but in the end it was worth it, our teacher liked our video so much that we got 100%. This really gave me a lot of confidence in comm. tech, and helped me to see how much I enjoy filming and editing.

I wasn’t as happy with my second video that I made independently. The actors in my video were always fooling around and no one was really listening to me while I was trying to film. It took me a long time to film as a result, and because the deadline approached, I wasn’t able to reshoot the scenes I found errors with. I really think that it ruined the potential that my video had. In a lot of my shots there was poor lighting and in one (because I had to reshoot) there was a lack of “continuity” (explained in previous blog). I knew that I could do better and was determined to show it the next time I had an opportunity to create a video.

Important things to understand before shooting a video

When making a video it is important to have an understanding of certain concepts, to ensure that you will have a successful video. One thing that is very important is planning out your video thoroughly; you need to make sure that you have a plan so that you don’t miss anything. I think you should always write down a plan. After the filming of one of my videos, as I was reviewing the footage, I realized that I needed to shoot more scenes, if I had planned the video more efficiently, I would have realized, these problems before I finished filming.

Another important thing to look out for while filming is “continuity”. This means that you must make sure that in each scene of video is coherent. That is to say, that each scene must make sense, for example if a character in one scene is wearing a necklace, they should be wearing it for all other scenes unless they are shown taking it off.

It would be very boring and unappealing if a video was all shown from the same distance. For a successful video, it is important to have different shots cut together so that you can portray it in a more meaningful way. Therefore it’s crucial to understand the different types of shots when filming:

Wide Shot: the subject takes up the full frame (example: showing a person, head to toe).
Close Up: very close to subject (example: a person’s head and neck)
Medium Shot: In between the close up and wide shot, subject is at a medium distance (example: a person’s knee and up, or a person’s waist and up).
Bust Shot: showing from the shoulders and up.
Extreme Wide Shot: the entire subject is in the frame but is not the main focus; instead, it focuses on the environment around the subject.
Extreme Close Up: may include only part of a person’s face (used to show emotion).

Each of these factors will ensure that you will create a successful video.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Camera Show 2

This morning I went to the Photography show I was talking about in my last blog. Unfortunately, my friend who was supposed to go with me cancelled last minute, so I ended up going with my dad. He actually had plans to go to my brother’s game in the afternoon so we didn’t actually have much time at the show. I arrived at around 11 o’clock and feasted my eyes upon the huge convention hall where the show was being held. Looking all around, I saw various different booths… it was just amazing.
I walked around the entire place checking out the different booths and looking at different cameras. They had a lot of different companies selling their camera products. I got to watch a couple seminars on different things and learned a lot. One thing that was really memorable is when I saw a station where people can try cameras out, I saw this one camera with a lens that was at least one foot long! I looked through the viewfinder, and was able to see across the hall, it was awesome!
I was also happy to see that Humber University and Georgian College were at the convention. I had an opportunity to talk to the representatives from both schools and find out a bit more about each place. At the Georgian booth, I was able to talk to a student at the school and see some of his, as well as other students’ photography. For a long time I’ve been interested in getting a post-secondary education in photography or film so I’m really happy I got the chance to talk to these people because now I know a bit more about what I need to do to achieve success in this field.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Camera Show

Yesterday I received an amazing surprise from an unlikely source. It started out as any regular day; I was at home doing my English homework, when the door bell rang. I went to answer the door and saw it was my older brother’s friend, Mike. I told him my brother wasn’t home but he informed me that he was only here to drop something off. I asked him what he needed to drop off and he responded by handing me two tickets for a camera show this weekend. He too shares a passion for film and photography and was planning to attend this event but unfortunately he was going to be out of town, so he decided to give them away; he remembered that I was really interested in this field and suggested that I should go with my brother.
He told me it was a great experience and that he has gone to these types of shows in the past and has learned a lot. “It’s great” he said, “They’ve got all these different shows on different topics, if you’re free, you should check it out”. I looked at him and smiled and said “definitely”. I thanked him and closed the door, walking back into my house I read the flier that came with the tickets. Reading it, I saw that the show’ called “The Photographic, Video & Digital Imaging Show”, was organized by Henry’s, a camera store that’s all-across Canada, and from what I’ve heard it’s the best place to buy your camera and accessories.
My brother was planning to go with me but unfortunately he is unable to make it. So my dad suggested that I go with a friend to the show. This was a perfect idea because I knew someone who loved photography even more than me! I asked her to come yesterday and she was excited as ever, we both are. This is will be first show we’ve ever been too and we’ve got really high hopes. We are planning to spend the entire day there so that we can learn as much as possible. I cannot wait for Saturday!

Comm Tech

When I first entered high school I realized that I would have a great opportunity to learn about film production. This chance emerged from the Comm. Tech course offered at my school. Even though you can’t take it in grade 9, the idea of being in the course the following year (in grade 10) caught my attention immediately.
The course allows you to learn all about the different aspects of film; such as learning how to use a professional camera and editing your footage. After the grade 10 course, a special course is offered to the outstanding students for grade 11. Around 20 people were chosen for this 2-credit course. The class was responsible for creating a television program, called DYTV, for the school that informed them about upcoming events. It also allowed the students of the class to gain experience and knowledge, not only in how to use equipment properly, but also in the way that a real news program might run. I was really interested in this course and was determined to be a part of it.
First I had to take the grade 10 course. I selected comm. tech as one of my electives but to my surprise I did not get in, needless to say it was a very popular class and filled up very quickly. I was very saddened by this but yet I knew I should not give up, after all this was my passion! I decided to talk to Mr. F, the comm. tech teacher to see if there was any way I could get into the class. He told me that I wouldn’t be able to transfer into the class because there were not enough computers. However, he realized how much I wanted to be in this class, so he put an extra computer in the class for me.
I was very grateful and thanked him many times. I knew from the beginning that this was going to be an amazing experience. Up until now, I didn’t really have any real experience other than filming my brother’s soccer games, now I was finally going to learn about to learn more about my passion.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rhetorical Devices found in Ads

This is an ad for Adidas shoes. In the picture we see an athlete running a track, far behind him is his shadow that is chasing after him. The point of the ad is to show that, with the shoes, he is able to run so fast that his shadow cannot keep up with him. This is an example of a hyperbole, because the ad is an obvious over exaggeration, as no one is able to run away from their shadow.

This is an anti-smoking ad. The ad show a picture of someone holding a cigarette in their hand and in their shadow, that same hand is holding a gun. This is to show that cigarettes are weapons and will kill you. For this reason, it is obvious that this is an example of a metaphor because they are comparing cigarettes to guns.

The purpose of this ad is to raise awareness about global warming. The ad compares the earth to an ice cream. This is shown through an ice cream cone which is holding the ice cream-like earth. Just like ice cream, it is melting away. Therefore this is an example of a metaphor because it is showing us how the earth is like ice cream.

The purpose of this ad is once again to raise awareness about global warming. The image shows a seal, lying on a bench with a newspaper over its body, which a caption saying, “Animals around the world are losing their habitats due to climate change. By turning off your TV, stereo and computer when not using them, you can help prevent this. Take action right now.” The ad uses two rhetorical devices one, being a simile, which compares seals to homeless people, as now, seals are becoming homeless too. The other device used is irony; this is because it depicts an image that we would not expect to see. A seal is found in the arctic so, when it is shown in the city, it grabs your attention and s therefore an effective ad.