Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Canceled Episode

Wow Blogger, it’s been a while, sorry about that The last two weeks of school in December were pretty hectic, and well, on the break…I was busy relaxing. So anyways I’ve got to catch up on some blogs! I’m going to try to blog a lot in the next little while, the only problem is that school is getting even more hectic with the final projects and exams coming up, but anyways, you don’t want to hear about that, so let’s get back to business, I’ll start by telling you how the episode went in December.

We didn’t do it. The reason why is because we simply had no time to complete our segments for the episode. Our episodes always air on Fridays, so that means that we have from Monday to Thursday to plan, film, and edit our segments. That week ended up being the same week that the school had a mass everyday, and who was in charge of running the lights and sound? My class. We were very busy for the entire week and because the mass took place during the time when we have comm. tech, we could not complete our work so our teacher canceled it.

I was pretty upset about it at first because I was looking forward to being talent. I mean, as I said before, I was getting pretty nervous, but really wanted to try it out at least once, so I at least knew what it was like. In the end, it was kind of a blessing that the episode was canceled because I was really stressed out with school and was worried about my performance on DYTV. Maybe sometime in the next couple months I’ll get another chance, I guess we’ll see. Anyways we have another episode coming up soon so I’ll tell you about that as it gets closer to the date, I’m not sure if I’m going to be talent yet, but either way I won’t mind, we haven’t done an episode in a while, so any job will be okay with me.

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