Sunday, January 10, 2010

The screenwriter

Hey Blogger! In the next few blogs I want to talk about some of the most important jobs in the film industry. In this one, I want to talk specifically about writing.

So, what’s a movie without a script? The answer is nothing. While movies require many roles such as director, editor and cinematographer, you’ve got to remember that the movie starts with a script and without it there would be no movie. Usually screenwriters are freelance, meaning that they do not work for a specific company, but rather they write scripts and pitch it to different studios, hoping to sell it. Needless to say, the job may not be a secure one, due to the fact that a writer’s script may not be purchased, but, if they do take the risk, and can sell their script, it can have a huge pay off. There is no set amount that freelance writers are paid (it widely ranges), but, if they are well known and have developed a good reputation, they are more likely to get paid more.

Some screenwriters might work for Television networks where they will work on a specific TV show. Usually there are a team of writers who work together. This team pretty much runs the show as they deal with creating the plot of the story as well as managing other aspects of the production, such as casting and budgeting. Their average salary is about $57000 a year.

I think that screenwriting seems to be a great job that’s full of excitement. Who wouldn’t want to write stories that would be performed by actors and watched by millions? Creative people who love to write should really consider this field as a possible career in the future.

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