Sunday, December 6, 2009

The other class' episode

Hey Blogger, sorry I haven’t written in a while, I’ve been pretty busy, but anyway I’ll try to catch you up about what’s been going on.

So about a week ago the other 1-credit comm. tech class had their episode of DYTV, and being in the leadership class meant that we had to go to their rehearsal at school the night before. Now, you are supposed to have all your segments finished by the end of school so that you’re able to have a rehearsal right away, however the majority of the class had not finished! So needless to say, I spent a couple hours at school just waiting. During that time, I ended up helping some people with their segments and even set up the studio. I was actually pretty happy about this because I really felt like a leader! I was able to help people and ensure that they had a thorough rehearsal.

After the episode on Friday, I found that a lot of people enjoyed the episode that the class had put on. I was glad but at the same time I felt uneasy because our episode (3 weeks before) had not turned out as well. I was worried about our class’ reputation, because we were supposed to be leaders, but the other class had surpassed us. However, as I’ve said before, I knew that we’d have a chance to redeem ourselves; our episode was set to air last Friday.

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