Sunday, December 6, 2009

The third episode: What? I'm Talent?

We started planning for the episode on the Thursday before the other class’ one aired. We only had a couple days to shoot and edit as our episode was in a week. My job this week was the feature segment, with my friend Steven. For this episode, the feature segment was going to be about the Christmas basket drive that was happening at the school. In addition to that, it was determined that Steven and I were going to be talent for the episode (for those of you who haven’t read my previous blogs, talent is the name for the people on camera, i.e. the hosts).

I was really excited and nervous at the same time. I mean, talent had to memorize a script and was performing live in front of over two thousand people, it’s kind of like acting and I had never acted in my life! But at the same time I thought it was going to be an awesome experience, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be talent, and I always wanted to try it at least once. The thing I was most worried about was coming off “cheesy” during the conversation between Steven and me. I just wanted to make sure that everyone would enjoy us as hosts.

The other class' episode

Hey Blogger, sorry I haven’t written in a while, I’ve been pretty busy, but anyway I’ll try to catch you up about what’s been going on.

So about a week ago the other 1-credit comm. tech class had their episode of DYTV, and being in the leadership class meant that we had to go to their rehearsal at school the night before. Now, you are supposed to have all your segments finished by the end of school so that you’re able to have a rehearsal right away, however the majority of the class had not finished! So needless to say, I spent a couple hours at school just waiting. During that time, I ended up helping some people with their segments and even set up the studio. I was actually pretty happy about this because I really felt like a leader! I was able to help people and ensure that they had a thorough rehearsal.

After the episode on Friday, I found that a lot of people enjoyed the episode that the class had put on. I was glad but at the same time I felt uneasy because our episode (3 weeks before) had not turned out as well. I was worried about our class’ reputation, because we were supposed to be leaders, but the other class had surpassed us. However, as I’ve said before, I knew that we’d have a chance to redeem ourselves; our episode was set to air last Friday.

What about photograhy?

So I picked film production and photography as my passion but I haven’t really had a chance to talk much about the photography part (with the exception of the camera show), and that’s simply because I don’t have any real experience in photography. I mean, the idea has always intrigued me, and I’ve been eager to learn, but I’ve never really had the chance. I tried to take the course at my school this year, but because of a mix up I was switched out of the class and now I cannot switch back in because it’s full!

I was pretty upset about that and still am, but I need to find another way to get some experience. But to get experience I need to start taking pictures, and for that, I need a camera, which I planned to get from the school when I took the course. So I got a problem. I realized this a while ago and decided that I’d focus on comm. tech for a while so I could learn about film, but last weekend my interest in photography ignited once more, at my friend’s band’s show. They invited another friend of ours to come to the show and take pictures for them. It just made me wish that I could be the one taking pictures for my friends! For now I’m going to focus on comm. tech, but I’m going to take any opportunity I can get to learn more about photography. I’m considering taking a course outside of school or taking a summer school course so that I will have a space for it next year.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How the O Canada video turned out

Hey Blogger, today I just want to inform you about how the O Canada video went. I wasn’t actually there on the day of the episode because I was sick, but I got to see the O Canada video afterward. I heard a lot of people were criticizing the video and pointing out some problems, so I was interested to see how it turned out.
After watching the video, I did realize that there were some problems with the shots, but yet I didn’t think the blamed lay solely on me. The video didn’t turn out the way I expected it, in the original video there are a lot of shots of other things that have to do with the topic of the song, but in this video they only had shots of the band playing. I think the editing was a little bit “off” as well due to the fact that the audio and video were not synced. A big problem in the video was the lighting; unfortunately, the video was filmed in the evening which caused some shots to be dark. I probably could have fixed this problem, (as there are settings to get brighter shots) but as I said in my previous blog, I still haven’t learned how to use all the functions. This experience only makes me want to learn all the functions of the DVX even more; I’m going to try to learn as soon as I can.

I want to be certified too!

Hey Blogger, I just wanted to write a blog to talk about a problem I’m having in comm. tech currently. At the school we have very expensive cameras called the DVX, and to use them we must acquire DVX certification by the teachers which is determined by a test. To put it bluntly, if you don’t pass the test, you don’t use the camera! Anyways, the test comprises of a lot of important functions on the camera that are both useful and crucial when filming things.

Now, before certification, we started using the cameras to film announcements and as time went on, we never really received a proper lesson on how to use the cameras, and therefore I do not fully understand how to use the DVX camera. The reason this upsets me is because the other classes in comm. tech have all been taught how to use it and have been certified.

My class of 8 is supposed to be the leaders of comm. tech, and we are supposed to know about how to run all of the equipment, how can I be in the leadership class of this program if I am not even certified and the other classes know more about it than me? A couple times I have had other students ask me a question about the camera and I’ve been unable to answer them. I really want to learn how to use the camera but it’s so late in the semester that I’m embarrassed to ask my teacher about how to use the camera. However, I’ve decided that I can’t go on without the knowledge so I am going to ask someone in the other class to teach me how to use it.