Sunday, January 10, 2010

My screenplay

I never really thought of myself as a good writer before. I’ve actually always gotten pretty good marks in English, but it’s always been tough for me. It was actually my least favorite subject because I hated interpreting books and writing essays. But since grade 10, I’ve actually begun to like English class more because I got read some amazing books which have really changed my life (I’m talking about you, To Kill a Mockingbird). I guess I was inspired by these books because a couple months ago, I had this craving to write one too. I know its random right? But I guess I wanted to write a book so that someone will enjoy my book the way I enjoyed the books that I read.

Since then I’ve somewhat changed my mind in what I want to do. Instead of writing a book, I’ve decided to incorporate my passion into it. That’s right, I’m going to write a screenplay, AND, if it turns out well, I plan to take advantage of the equipment in comm. tech and film and edit it as well. I’m really excited to see my ideas come alive on film and I think it will be a great way to get some experience in the various jobs in film production. I’m not exactly sure what I want it to be about, but I was thinking that it could be about high school life, and that I could include some of my own experiences. I really haven’t given it much thought yet though, so I might change my mind, but we’ll see. Anyways I probably won’t have a chance to start writing for a while because I’ve got a lot of work to do in the next couple weeks (exams, CPTs, 1500 word essays on Death of a Salesman, etc.) but I’ll keep you updated about how the writing goes.

The editor

Film production requires many people to perform different tasks to ensure that the production is completed successfully. But what happens after all the scenes have been filmed? The film is now given to the film editor.

The film editor’s job is to take all the film and cut it into scenes. The same scene may be taken from many shots. It’s the film editor’s job to find the best shots and cut them together to make the scene flow coherently. When looking for the best shot an editor has to look for a few things: the best lighting and sound, the best angle for the shot, the best performances by the actors, timing, and continuity. Timing is important, for example, in a comedy movie, the editor must makes sure there is enough space between each joke so that the audience does not miss a joke due to all the laughter. Continuity has deal with whether everything is the same in each shot, for example if a character is wearing a watch in one scene, he should have a watch in every scene.

An editor’s salary can vary greatly depending on if they work for a production company or freelance. Editors in freelance may make more money for each project then ones who work for production companies; however they may not be working all the time during the year. Editors who work in television have a more secure job as they work on a TV show through its run and have average salary of $46000 a year. However their salary varies depending on how much experience they have and the type of production they are working in.

Film editing requires a great deal of knowledge of film and the software used to edit the film. While the job is very stressful and requires a great deal of work, it is an essential part of film production.

The director

The director is like the backbone in a film production; he manages all of the aspects in the entire production. The director’s job begins in the earliest stages of the film, pre-production. After the director is hired, they must read the script and begin to formulate about how he would like the film to be. During this time, he also works with the writer, to try to understand how the writer envisions the movie to look. From these interpretations, the director begins to plan the various aspects of the film. The director also plays a role in deciding on which actors and actresses will play the characters in the film.

As the film progresses through pre-production, the director works with the crew to discuss the way they has planned the film. He may work with the cinematographer, or director of photography, who manages all the camera work. Together they will discuss the camera shots and angles that will be used for each scene in the film. The director will also have to work with the wardrobe stylist and make-up artist to discuss the appearance of the characters. Finally the director works with the set-designers, where he explains the various sets needed for the film.

During production, the director must ensure that the film is progressing smoothly. He makes sure that the cast and crew are working diligently and are producing the movie that he envisioned. He may have to deal with whatever issues come up and make decisions. After everything has been filmed, the director’s work is still unfinished. He must now work with the film editors to piece the movie together and lend his opinion on which scenes should be used.

Directing can be a very stressful job because of the amount of work that needs to be put in to it. However if you are a good and responsible leader and have a passion for film, this may be the job for you.

The screenwriter

Hey Blogger! In the next few blogs I want to talk about some of the most important jobs in the film industry. In this one, I want to talk specifically about writing.

So, what’s a movie without a script? The answer is nothing. While movies require many roles such as director, editor and cinematographer, you’ve got to remember that the movie starts with a script and without it there would be no movie. Usually screenwriters are freelance, meaning that they do not work for a specific company, but rather they write scripts and pitch it to different studios, hoping to sell it. Needless to say, the job may not be a secure one, due to the fact that a writer’s script may not be purchased, but, if they do take the risk, and can sell their script, it can have a huge pay off. There is no set amount that freelance writers are paid (it widely ranges), but, if they are well known and have developed a good reputation, they are more likely to get paid more.

Some screenwriters might work for Television networks where they will work on a specific TV show. Usually there are a team of writers who work together. This team pretty much runs the show as they deal with creating the plot of the story as well as managing other aspects of the production, such as casting and budgeting. Their average salary is about $57000 a year.

I think that screenwriting seems to be a great job that’s full of excitement. Who wouldn’t want to write stories that would be performed by actors and watched by millions? Creative people who love to write should really consider this field as a possible career in the future.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Aspiration

Since I was a child, movies have always mesmerized me. I enjoyed going to the theatres because the experience was like no other. I was in awe, staring at the big screen as a story unfolded before me. I admired the actors in the films because they got to be involved in productions that entertained so many. I wished to be part of it as well. As I grew older I realized that movies weren’t just about the actors on screen, it was about all the people who worked behind the scenes as well such as the director, the writer and the cinematographer. As I was learning about all the work that went into one movie, became very interested in film production.

For a long time, I was never really sure what I wanted to do with my life. I had an interest in film, but I felt like it was an unrealistic idea because it was such a competitive field and I had no experience. I tried to consider other fields I could work in and tried to find what I like best, but in the end, working in the film industry was always in the back of my mind.

Not too long ago, the idea of a career in film became more feasible than I had previously thought. When I took the comm. tech course, I got the experience that I was craving and over the course of this year, I got to learn a lot. Since then, I’ve been thinking more and more about it and have decided that I am going to pursue a career in film. Getting a job in this field would really make me happy. I’m not really sure what exactly I want to do in film yet because there are so many jobs, it’s just so hard to choose.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Canceled Episode

Wow Blogger, it’s been a while, sorry about that The last two weeks of school in December were pretty hectic, and well, on the break…I was busy relaxing. So anyways I’ve got to catch up on some blogs! I’m going to try to blog a lot in the next little while, the only problem is that school is getting even more hectic with the final projects and exams coming up, but anyways, you don’t want to hear about that, so let’s get back to business, I’ll start by telling you how the episode went in December.

We didn’t do it. The reason why is because we simply had no time to complete our segments for the episode. Our episodes always air on Fridays, so that means that we have from Monday to Thursday to plan, film, and edit our segments. That week ended up being the same week that the school had a mass everyday, and who was in charge of running the lights and sound? My class. We were very busy for the entire week and because the mass took place during the time when we have comm. tech, we could not complete our work so our teacher canceled it.

I was pretty upset about it at first because I was looking forward to being talent. I mean, as I said before, I was getting pretty nervous, but really wanted to try it out at least once, so I at least knew what it was like. In the end, it was kind of a blessing that the episode was canceled because I was really stressed out with school and was worried about my performance on DYTV. Maybe sometime in the next couple months I’ll get another chance, I guess we’ll see. Anyways we have another episode coming up soon so I’ll tell you about that as it gets closer to the date, I’m not sure if I’m going to be talent yet, but either way I won’t mind, we haven’t done an episode in a while, so any job will be okay with me.