Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The effects of better weather and no stress

So last night was quite stressful, but I finished everything and was rather confident in my abilities for the test and lab. I woke up at 7:15 feeling and looking like hell. My throat hurt so much that I could barely speak, needless to say, it already look as though it would be a bad day and staying home wasn't an option because I didn't want to fall behind.

So anyways for all of first period I didn't talk because I thought it would help me feel better. We finished Shawshank today, it was so good, definitely one of my favourites! Second period I had the Calculus test which I surprisingly completed with ease and at third I had the lab where I also think I did really well. ALl the while, my throat started to feel a bit better and I was actually able to talk by lunch.

By this point all my stress had been vanquished because I was not assigned homework in Calculus or Chemistry (although I am still behind so I have to catch up) and I was assigned a reflection for Religion (I am also behind on handing in another reflection). So I was really relaxed and carefree, it felt great.

Oh yeah and I had a wisdom teeth check-up today as well so my mom picked me up at two o'clock and I she dropped me off back home at 3:30. Then my friend/neighbour asked me to check if their garage was closed so I had to walk down the street to see.

Okay so that was a huge lead up to what I actually want to get to, which is how I'm feeling; happy and carefree. Getting no homework (even though I'm still a bit behind) was really nice today, and the fact that I don't have school makes it even better; I don't have to wake up early and I am going out to lunch with my friends. The other thing that made me really happy was when I was outside.

I walk home from school everyday, and in walking home from my friends house I walked part of this route. Usually when I walk home, I think about all the homework I have, how little time I have to do it (because I usually get home at 5), how tired I am, and most recently, how cold it is. But today was different.

I didn't have my bag, so I could walk more "freely" without having to bear any extra weight. This also made me more aware of the fact that I didn't have to rush home and do work all night, but rather that I was free to do what I wanted for the first time in ages.

Not having a mind consumed with stress and work really allowed for my mind to wander, and I found myself looking around outside as I walked home. The sun was out, covering everything with a blanket of warmth, there was also a weak wind that ran through my hair as I walked, and I noticed that colour was beginning to return to the trees and grass. I couldn't help but feel happy, Spring is coming, and it is sure to be followed by a fun-filled summer. I know its a while away, but its days like these that really keep me going amidst all of the woes of school. Now if I could just get rid of my soar throat...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

tired, headache and soar throat

This isn't so much a blog as it is a complaint. I had to stay at school for a while because of drama so I only got home around 5:15, I've got to study for a calculus test which I'm sure will be extremely hard, and I still have to finish the pre-lab for chemistry (which I'm already behind in regards to the homework). And to top all off, I'm tired (although that's nothing out of the ordinary, my head is killing me and I have a soar throat. This is going to be one hell of a night, and I mean that literally.

To end things off positively, I'll just say that we're watching The Shawshank Redemption in religion class, it's pretty awesome so far.

Catch ya later Blogger.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I want school to end...but I don't.

My life is school. Plain and simple. Everything between is filler. I don't want it to be, but it is. I'm constantly being bombarded by homework, assignments, and tests that I don't have time for much else. Sure there's the occasional time spent with friends or my girlfriend, but there's never a day where I get to say "I have no homework" or even "I don't have much homework", instead, I'm reduced to saying "Sorry, I can't hang out because I have so much homework". And so, my life has fallen into a constant day-to-day formula of: wake up feeling tired, get ready for school, go to school, come home from school, do homework all night, go to bed late, wake up feeling tired, etc. I want to break out of this schedule but I just can't seem to do it.

My girlfriend tried to assure me today that school will be over soon, but that just stresses me even more. High school has gone by so fast that, I feel like I'm still just a kid, and I'm unsure if I'm ready to go out into the real world, into university/college, and, in what frightens me the most, adulthood.

So as you can see I've got mixed emotions, I hate dealing with the stress of high school, but at the same time, I don't want to leave because after this comes the real world. I wonder if I'm the only one that feels this way, and sometimes I think that I am, all my friends seem really confident in their plans for the future and I'm not. I just don't know what to do. I'm scared of being a failure.

Anyways that's it for now. Later Blogger.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Woes

So this week was March Break, something I had been waiting for since February when the semester began, unfortunately, the week fell short of my expectations. The reason? Well actually there are four reasons; my wisdom teeth.

These little molars were going to come in and ruin my beautiful teeth, and so they had to be removed. I actually expected the whole process to be a breeze and that having a puffy face and eating jell-o for a week wouldn't be so bad. Boy was I wrong.

I've had to stay home all week, barely being able to open my mouth, and feeling severe pain in my mouth, while all my friends are out having fun.

It's been pretty bad, but every day I'm starting to feel a bit better. There's not much pain now, and the swelling has gone down, but I still can't eat solid food. Hopefully I'll be good by Wednesday, that's what I'm hoping for. Anyways I gotta go to homework, tomorrow is back to school. Bye Blogger!

Univeristy and College

So I applied to 7 University and 5 College programs, and almost all of them required "Supplementary applications" which was a fancy word for "more work", I've had to write a bunch of essays, questionnaires, and write-ups for each of the programs I applied to. So up until earlier today I had finished all of them except for two. This was my submission to Humber College's "TV/Videography" and "Film and Media Production". So I saw on the Humber website that they actually suspended my application for TV/Videography, because I didn't submit the stuff, and even worse, they withdrew my application to Film and Media! I hadn't intended to leave the work so late, its just that I've been swamped with work from school and the other programs, and even though it was march break this week, I had my wisdom teeth removed, so I've been out of commission all week!

But anyways, I've completed my TV/Videography stuff and submitted it and now the website says it's "under review" so that's a good sign, but I still have to get the FIlm and Media application cleared up. I'm going to try to finish all of the stuff that I have to submit tonight and then I'll call Humber tomorrow, when their lines are open, and make sure they un-withdraw my application. I'll let you know how it goes. Bye Blogger!

Oh yeah one more thing, I've gotten acceptances to three programs already so that's pretty awesome.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Back, but for how long?

So this is my first post in about a year and 2 months! My previous blogs were for an assignment for my grade 11 English class, so since then I haven't really needed to blog. I don't even know why I'm writing this post actually, I don't think I really have anything interesting to say at this time, oh well, I don't think anyone's reading this anyways. Alright, bye Blogger, maybe I'll be back, maybe I won't.